Appointment of Baptiest Coopmans as member of the Supervisory Board of TNO

Digital society
Sustainable society
Healthy society
Safe society
30 March 2021

The Council of Ministers has approved the nomination of ir. J.B.P. (Baptiest) Coopmans as member of the Supervisory Board of TNO with effect from 1 February 2021. He succeeds Ingrid Vanden Berghe, who is leaving the Supervisory Board due to the expiry of her second term of office.

Baptiest Coopmans

After graduating in Industrial Engineering and Management at Eindhoven University of Technology, Baptiest Coopmans held various management positions in the fields of technology, media, telecommunications and consumer products.

Baptiest is currently Senior Vice President at Liberty Global. Previously, he was Interim CEO at UPC Switzerland, CEO at Ziggo in the Netherlands during the merger with UPC, member of the Board of Directors of KPN and held management positions at Unilever. He also fulfills various supervisory roles. Until recently, he was chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eindhoven University of Technology.

The TNO Supervisory Board is looking forward to the collaboration with Mr Coopmans and his contribution to the Board.

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