
At Women@TNO we celebrate a community where we can raise and discuss issues of gender balance, engage in (social) activities with each other and help each other.

Goals and activities of Women@TNO

As Women@TNO we celebrate a community where we can address and discuss gender balance related issues, engage with each other in (social) activities and help each other out. Our network is set up and led by TNO employees who work closely with the D&I Office and the D&I Board.

Women@TNO is consulted to inform the top of TNO on matters of gender equality. We work together to make gender equality and learning about gender equality everyday business. The backbone of our network is formed by our internal chatgroup, and various recurring activities are organised ranging from BBQs to seminars.

Meet the ambassadors of Women@TNO

Currently, two ambassadors lead the Women@TNO network: Swarna Kumarswamy-Das and Fieke Beemster. Swarna works as a Scientist Innovator at the Unit ICT, Strategy & Policy (ISP). Swarna has become an ambassador for the network because promoting a more gender balanced working environment is important to her, towards which she wishes to contribute actively.

Fieke works as Deputy Research Manager Sustainable Urban Mobility & Safety at the Unit Mobility & Built Environment (MBE). “I have gained so much from the Women@TNO program, in this role as an ambassador I would like to help a new generation to have equal chances.”