Paulien Bongers

Paulien Bongers

Science Director
Paulien Bongers

I have published extensively on work and health, and public health topics such as prevention of musculoskeletal disease and health effects of  psychosocial factors as well as (cost-)effectiveness of interventions (prevention, health promotion and return to work).

Research area

This resulted in an extensive academic track record with an H-index of 66 and over 23.000 citations. I have initiated the intensive research collaboration ‘Body@Work’ with the Amsterdam MC, location VUmc. The current focus of the research is on developing and applying scientific knowledge to increase health, vitality and sustainable productivity and employment in the changing world of work due to the digital and technological innovations. I have been a permanent member of the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheidsraad) and is currently one of the chairs of the Dutch Routes in the Science Agenda (NWA).  As science director, I have a broad research orientation, ranging from Metabolic and Immune Health to Child Health, thus building bridges between several health research domains. I am actively involved in the creation of multidisciplinary public private partnerships in the Netherlands. On the international level, I am the chair of PEROSH, Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health. PEROSH is a network of thirteen European occupational safety and health institutes, that collaborates intensively.

Recent results

The recent research that has been published in the academic literature focused on several work and employability themes in modern Dutch society: the effect of multiple job holding on health and well-being, the (cost) effectiveness of lifestyle and health promotion interventions in workers in different industrial sectors, such as construction and office workers (see publications below). The current PhD projects focus on prevention of work related psychological health risks and their detrimental effect on health and well-being. This includes for instance research on effective implementation strategies in different professional groups and the effect of the digital transition in private and professional life and the psychological health and well-being of the youngest professional generation.

PhD supervision

  • Stef Bouwhuis (TNO VP and Amsterdam MC funding)
  • Lennart van der Zwaan (TNO VP and Amsterdam MC funding)
  • Maartje Bakhuijs Roozeboom (TNO VP and Amsterdam MC funding)
  • Malte Steinhoff (TNO VP and Amsterdam MC funding)

Top publications

Leiden - Sylviusweg

Sylviusweg 71
NL-2333 BE Leiden