Arianne van der Wal

Social scientist

Arianne van der Wal works as a behavioral scientist at TNO in the Energy and Materials Transition department, where she focuses her research on the design of an inclusive and just energy transition. A transition where everyone can participate and no one is left behind. That is why, for her work as a researcher at TNO, she has latched onto the topic of energy poverty.

Research area

Within the National Research Program on Energy Poverty, Arianne leads research into the effects of various support measures implemented by governments and agencies to reduce energy poverty. Since 2022, eight different municipalities from five different provinces have been involved in this research program and the effects of several energy coach trajectories, renovation programs, and schemes for replacing large household appliances.

With the results of this research, she will be able to inform and advise municipalities, housing corporations and energy coach organizations about the effectiveness of their approach to reduce energy poverty.

Before working at TNO, Arianne worked for more than ten years as a behavioral scientist at various universities, where she mainly conducted scientific research into the central question of what motivates and prevents people from acting sustainably. There too, she sought the connection and collaboration with other stakeholders, such as municipalities, companies and NGOs, in order to come up with relevant solutions for sustainability issues such as the energy transition, climate adaptation, and circular economy.

Top publications

  • Lee, S. W., Millet, K., Grinstein, A., Pauwels, K. H., Johnston, P. R., Volkov, A. E., & van der Wal, A. J. (2023). Actual Cleaning and Simulated Cleaning Attenuate Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stressful Events. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14, 381-394.
  • Van Doesum, N. J., van der Wal, A. J., Boomsma, C., & Staats, H. (2021). Aesthetics and logistics in urban parks; can moving waste receptacles to park exits decrease littering?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 77, 101669.
  • Van Horen, F., van der Wal, A., & Grinstein, A. (2018). Green, greener, greenest: Can competition increase sustainable behavior?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 59, 16-25.
  • Van der Wal, A. J., van Horen, F., & Grinstein, A. (2018). Temporal myopia in sustainable behavior under uncertainty. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35, 378-393.
  • Van der Wal, A. J., van Horen, F., & Grinstein, A. (2016). The paradox of ‘green to be seen’: Green high-status shoppers excessively use (branded) shopping bags. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33, 216-219.
  • Van der Wal, A. J., Schade, H. M., Krabbendam, L., & van Vugt, M. (2013). Do natural landscapes reduce future discounting in humans? Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280, 20132295.
  • P. Engelhard, N., J. van der Wal, A., & van Vugt, M. (2013). Competitief altruïsme op de werkvloer: een evolutionair psychologische benadering. Gedrag & Organisatie, 26, 293-307.
  • Van der Wal, A. J. (2018). Harnessing ancestral roots to grow a sustainable world.


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