The Netherlands as a digital frontrunner in Europe. That is what TNO wants to contribute to. Because digital technology supports, and accelerates all major innovation challenges. In addition, digitisation has a far-reaching effect on society as a whole.
TNO's goals for a digital 2030
TNO’s view of 2030: Digital privacy and security for everyone
Our latest developments
103 resultaten, getoond 11 t/m 15
No migration without an inventory: protection against quantum computers starts with insights
It is definitely coming: the quantum computer. Consequently, organisations need to take stock of what kind of cryptography they use and TNO wants to help.
CEYAS as easy and affordable solution for yard automation
Robust application communications security testing: as easy as can be
SOARCA tool: automated security against cyber attacks
Paving the way for safe Autonomous Driving with Software-Defined Vehicles
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