The route to safe automated driving

What is necessary to ensure safe automated driving? TNO aims to accelerate the process for automated vehicles to be allowed on public roads. With the use of specialised knowledge, validation software and test scenarios, TNO helps to provide convincing evidence to demonstrate the safety of these vehicles.​

Automated driving: the challenges

The future of automated driving depends on reliable safety validation of vehicles to ensure that they operate safely in all traffic situations. How do we safely get automated vehicles on the road? ​TNO is working on necessary innovations. To get in touch with our experts on this topic, join the Meet the expert sessions below.

Meet the experts and join the route to safe automated driving

  • Driving monitoring automated driving

    Session 1 | 5 November | 16:00 – 17:00 CET

    The rise of advanced driver assistance and automated driving systems complicates driver-vehicle interaction, increasing the need for better Human-Machine Interface design. Driver monitoring is also becoming essential to ensure driver engagement. During this online Meet the Expert session, we will cover the latest developments and challenges.

  • Context-aware automated driving

    Session 2 | 25 November | 16:00 – 17:00 CET

    Explainability and traceability is crucial for the safe deployment and successful certification of automated vehicles. TNO’s hybrid AI approach enhances the reasoning capabilities of self-driving systems by incorporating robust, context-aware motion planning. In this “Meet the Expert session”, experts explain the methodology and concrete demonstrators of this hybrid AI approach.

  • Digital Infrastructure

    Session 3 | 16 December | 16:00 - 17:00 CET

    We aim to enhance mobility by making it safer, more sustainable, and efficient. Intelligent vehicle systems are key to this, supported by a robust digital infrastructure. Integrating external data can significantly improve these systems, extending the vehicle’s operational horizon. In this session, we will discuss challenges and solutions, including Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), e-charging, and smart intersections.


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Validation software

Safe automated driving first

With our advanced safety validation software, TNO StreetWise, we aim to create seamless and safe transportation, driving societal and economic impact.​

Co-makership in development of self-driving software

Safe automated driving first

TNO advises OEM's, TIER1 suppliers and toolchain suppliers in developing secure software.​

Knowledge transfer

Safe automated driving first

TNO connects government, OEM's, TIER1 suppliers and toolchain suppliers in order to share knowledge and develop policy.

Paper StreetWise: scenario based safety assessment for automated driving

TNO StreetWise is an advanced method to describe real driving conditions and their variations and store that in a scenario database to enable scenario-based testing and validation. StreetWise brings safe automated driving one step closer. In this paper you will find the basics, the implementation and the future of scenario-based safety assessment.

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