Information and sensor systems

A superior information position provides a crucial tactical advantage. It facilitates effective management of the military organisation and the deployment of resources. We help by devising and developing technology.

Seabed Security

Increasing digitalisation, geopolitical developments, climate change and competition are putting pressure on safety at and from the sea. At TNO, we work on innovative, sustainable and high-tech solutions to maintain our top maritime position.

Our latest developments

8 resultaten, getoond 6 t/m 8

Norwegian-Dutch nanosatellites successfully launched

3 January 2023
Two Norwegian-Dutch nanosatellites were successfully launched today. “Birkeland” and “Huygens” were placed in orbit around the earth by the company SpaceX.

MilSpace2: Spectrum monitoring dual satellite system

2 December 2022

Test to detect drowning people

9 June 2021