Our view of a safe society

Safe society

To protect what we hold dear and ensure that people can live together in freedom and security. That’s what we stand for. And to that end, we develop strategic knowledge, technology, and capabilities.

The Netherlands is a safe country. Maintaining our security is essential for our freedom, prosperity, well-being, and democracy. But geopolitical developments make it clear that this safety cannot be taken for granted. New threats are emerging – in military, economic, political, and information terms.

Europe and the Netherlands have become more vulnerable; we must stand up more strongly for our own interests. And the threats to our safety are becoming more complex as technology connects everything.

All these dangers generally first affect the Ministry of Defence, the police, and other public justice and security providers, and the professionals working within them. Our main goal is to give these professionals a head start.

We do this by developing and implementing relevant knowledge and technology. In addition to our substantial contributions to defence, we want to develop into the institute for applied technological innovations within the justice and security domain in the Netherlands.

4 focus areas within a safe society

Together with our security experts, researchers, and collaboration partners, we deploy technological and behavioural innovations for a safe society. Our field of activity moves between land, sea, and air, between cyber and space. In the Netherlands and abroad.

With science and innovation at the forefront. We work closely with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Justice and Security, the police, the national and international defence and security industry, and others. We focus on 4 areas.

1. Achieving more with fewer people

We assist the Ministry of Defence with knowledge of military operations, technology, and human factors, in order to find the best solutions for our armed forces.

We study how people can overcome limitations, which work activities best suit their abilities, and how the interaction between humans and machines can be made easier, with the aim of addressing one of today's greatest challenges: achieving more with fewer people.

2. Information and sensor networks

Information technology, from big data to cyber, is now a decisive factor. We’re working on information-driven action, command & control, digital and analogue detection, and enforcement.

In addition, we’re working both on protecting our own information and on offensive cyber to disrupt the information processes of others. A superior information position offers crucial tactical advantages. With this information superiority, we improve the management of the military organisation and deploy all resources in the most effective way possible.

3. National security

Developments in the security domain are moving faster than ever. This is partly due to the enormous growth in the amount of information and the emergence of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence or augmented reality. These developments represent both an opportunity and a threat for the Dutch government and security providers.

For this reason, we’re working with justice and security providers for a just and secure society. We develop and use scientific knowledge and technology to improve both physical and digital security.

4. Protecting military personnel and equipment

Military action requires strength. We’re therefore working on scalable, adjustable munitions and new energy weapons, among other things. This enables tailor-made deployment and at the same time helps prevent civilian casualties as much as possible.

Our technology helps give troops (and police officers, etc.) the best possible protection. We support both the military and the defence industry with applicable research. For example, we research the level of protection of the soldier following disembarkation.

And we carry out vulnerability analyses on military vehicles, ships, and compounds. With experimental research and prediction models, we recognise shortcomings in time. We can then improve them in the right way.

This is how we work on a safe society

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