Clean hydrogen production

Hydrogen is important in the transition to a sustainable energy supply, though technological challenges stand in the way of clean hydrogen production. Read how we contribute to clean hydrogen innovation.

Towards green hydrogen production

Producing hydrogen without carbon emissions is called green hydrogen. It is made from water via electrolysis with electricity from sun and wind.

Our latest developments

8 resultaten, getoond 6 t/m 8

TNO and partners to work together to boost the efficiency of renewable hydrogen production

26 April 2022
TNO, Bekaert, Johnson Matthey and Schaeffler are working on a new generation of electrolysers. The goal is energy efficiency and cost reduction.

HY3-project: Towards Dutch-German hydrogen value chains

31 March 2022

Germany and The Netherlands come up with a bilateral agenda on hydrogen and green electrons for industry

15 October 2020