Growth through the innovative power of regional ecosystems
Economic growth is important. So is achieving societal goals. The Netherlands is therefore constantly looking for promising innovations in these areas. Especially at the regional level, good results are being achieved. That's why TNO is researching possible success factors for regional innovative ecosystems.
Economic and societal goals
There’s a great need for innovations that help achieve both economic and societal goals. TNO sees an important role for regional innovative ecosystems.
In plain language: when it comes to innovation, great things can happen if local authorities, knowledge institutions, and companies work together.
No magic formula
What’s needed for such regional collaboration to be successful? TNO has been trying to answer this question for some time. Every collaboration is unique. But it’s clear that a common goal and shared interests are necessary to move forward together.
Robust basis for ecosystems
TNO is also closely involved in many regional innovative ecosystems. In fact, in addition to bringing different parties together, we often take up an active role during the actual collaboration. Because we’re so close to the process, we also know what conditions are needed to create a robust basis for such an ecosystem.
These include expertise, talent, facilities, infrastructure, leadership, financial capital, and an entrepreneurial culture. That’s quite a list. And it makes it immediately clear that there’s a lot involved in such collaboration.
Learn more about the success factors of innovative ecosystems
For all the ins and outs you can read our extensive research report.
Stamina required
Another important success factor is perseverance. Regional innovative ecosystems often deal with complex problems. Finding and developing possible solutions can take a lot of time. Especially for companies, it’s sometimes difficult to see clearly in the start-up phase what exactly the collaboration will yield.
So, you need stamina and the confidence that in the end all participants will benefit from the outcome.
Want to read more about regional innovative ecosystems?
Download our report and learn how we can help establish regional innovative ecosystems.
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