Innovations in solar energy technologies
Solar energy is affordable and reliable due to innovations and economy of scale, and through standardisation. Over the last 20 years the conversion efficiency has been doubled while the cost has been reduced by a factor of about 20.
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There is still much more to be gained by further technology development on the following aspects:
- Higher power density and energy yield (more energy per m2) at lower cost
- Improved spatial and environmental integration: attractive, barely visible, eco-positive photovoltaics
- Sustainability: end-of-life strategies, application of earth abandon materials
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6 resultaten, getoond 1 t/m 5
Solar panel production back to Europe
Most of the world's solar panels contain technology developed in the Netherlands. But they come from faraway countries. Time to bring solar panel production back to Europe.

Solar energy
Perovskite solar cells

Tandem technology for higher PV performance

Solar technology: opportunities and challenges