Status project
2023 - 2027
In cooperation with
Rijkswaterstaat, Flanders Environment Agency, The Autobahn GhbH of the Federal Government, Dublin City Council, Burgundy-Franche-Comté regional counsil, LIST, TNO, BASt, University of Lille, Geosparc, RTC4Water
'Building an Ecosystem to PROACTively develop data-driven asset management', seeks to blend in digital techniques in critical infrastructures. Transforming it into ‘predictive assets’. Ultimate goal is to reach a higher maturity in the management of assets: decisions based on facts and predictive indicators.
In North-West Europe many public infrastructure assets are approaching the end of their life cycles, an urgent challenge made more difficult by skill shortages and budget constraints. This project focuses on pavements and bridges in the national highway networks in the Netherlands and Germany, traffic management systems in the city of Dublin, water quality management in Flanders, management of buildings in Burgundy, and waste water management in Luxembourg. Provincial. To cope with these challenges these public asset owners are looking at the research institutes TNO, BAST, LIST, University of Lille and some local SMEs for further digitalization of their asset management processes.
The objective of BeProAct is transforming infrastructure management through digital techniques to predict and prevent asset failures and improve maintenance. TNO is involved in predicting end of life of asphalt top layers based on performance measurements for the German Autobahn GmbH and in prioritizing renovation and renewal based on inspections for the major steel bridges in the national highway network for the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat.
The expected result of the project is concrete help to authorities in their transition to more data-driven asset management, with new digital solutions to accurately predict & prioritise maintenance, assess performance and extend lifespan.
The concrete solutions developed by the research institutes and SME’s in this project until Summer 2025, will be disseminated to and validated by the partner asset owners. Implementation strategies for incorporating the new way of working, including the developed solutions, at the asset owners will be drafted.
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