Energy transition: a sustainable future is the only future

Our ambition is to accelerate the energy transition together with knowledge institutions, businesses, and government, to create an energy system in the Netherlands which is free from CO2 emissions by 2050. In addition, we offer the Dutch business community the opportunity to take the lead and export their innovative products. This is how we want to strengthen the competitive position of the Netherlands.

The Energy Transition unit merged with the Circular Economy unit to form a joint Energy & Materials transition unit.

Accelerating the energy transition

In order to achieve the climate targets, it is necessary to accelerate the energy transition. The challenge is to reduce carbon emissions. This can be done by phasing in renewable energy at an accelerated rate, and phasing out fossil energy smoothly, while keeping the energy supply safe, available and affordable. Energy saving is also an important tool. The transition calls for major technical and social changes in all sectors of the economy, in governments and for citizens.

Strengthening the Netherlands competitiveness

The transition to a carbon-free energy system requires technical, social and policy innovations. We conduct independent and internationally renowned research. We stand for an agenda-setting, initiating and supporting role for government, businesses and societal organisations.

Our 4 innovation programmes

Our ambitions are formulated in 4 coherent innovation programmes that are in line with the energy agenda and the coalition agreement. With these programmes, our aim is to achieve:

Renewable electricity

The transition from fossil fuels and raw materials to sustainably generated electricity takes time and money. We’re therefore developing technologies to generate electricity from solar and wind more cheaply and more efficiently.

Carbon neutral industry

CO2 emissions in the Netherlands must be drastically reduced. How will we achieve this radical reduction in CO2 levels? We list all measures and innovations.

System transition

The energy transition is a complex social issue. Besides technological solutions, economic consequences and social aspects play at least as important a role. Therefore, we research and advise on how to switch to a CO2-free energy system in a fair way.

Sustainable subsurface

Within TNO, the Geological Survey of the Netherlands is organised as a knowledge centre of the subsurface. With state-of-the-art public information, research and technology, we contribute to a sustainable Netherlands.

Expertise groups

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175 resultaten, getoond 1 t/m 5

Three breakthrough technologies in drying and dewatering help industry produce clean and sustainable products

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By making processes more efficient and using more renewable electricity, the industrial sector’s heat demand can be reduced.

Supporting municipalities to achieve heat transition

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The impact of alternative economic future concepts in the 'Beyond Growth' debate

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Webinar: Solar energy in Brabant - Building a sustainable future for Europe

12 September 2024
1 episode

Webinar: System transformation in offshore renewable supply
