Organisational structure

TNO was founded in 1932 and established by law as the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. Our goal is to make information accessible to businesses and governments. As an organisation governed by public law, we maintain an independent position. Our organisation consists of a Supervisory Board, Executive Board, Council for Defence Research, services organisation and 9 units.

Supervisory Board

The TNO Supervisory Board is responsible for supervising the policies of the Executive Board and advising them.

Executive Board

The TNO Executive Board is charged with managing the organisation and has full authorisation to do so insofar as this is not ascribed to other bodies according to the TNO Act.

Council for Defence Research

In addition to the Executive Board, there is the Council for Defence Research. With due regard for the responsibilities of the Executive Board, the Council decides on policies regarding the defence arm of TNO.

Services organisation and 6 units

TNO has a services organisation and 6 units:

Services organisatie:

  • Human Resources (HR)

  • Business Information & Operations Services (BIOS)

  • Marketing & Communications (M&C)

  • Finance, Procurement, Legal (FP&L)

  • Strategy


All units have multiple expertise groups.

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