Sustainable productivity and employability

Healthy society

The Sustainable Productivity and Employability expertise group improves sustainable labour productivity in organisations. By sustainable, we mean that solutions are in line with what contributes to the health of employees, but also with what organisations need in order to survive in a healthy way.

Healthy labour is the best building block for organisations. This can be achieved by utilising the possibilities of new technologies and the latest organisational developments. We bring the conception and implementation of these solutions together under the heading of ‘social innovation’.

Sustainable labour productivity

Measuring productivity that lasts is difficult. Nevertheless, we have done a lot of research on this at TNO. In healthcare, industry, business services, and government.

We use measuring methods that combine social organisation issues and knowledge of human factors (ergonomics). We help companies and organisations at home and abroad to increase their productivity, health, employee comfort, and development opportunities.


Balanced flexibility: 10 practical examples

Learn how your organisation can take a conscious approach to flexibility to reduce risks and increase opportunities

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33 resultaten, getoond 16 t/m 20

WHO launches new package to measure early development of children up to 36 months

27 February 2023
Today the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the Global Scales for Early Development (GSED). TNO was part of the team that developed the GSED package.

Motivaction performs TNO customer survey

6 February 2023

Peter Werkhoven steps down as member of the Executive Board

19 December 2022

UK MasterChef winner Tim Anderson experiments with 3D printed pasta

9 August 2022

Cash infusion for photonics-focused biosensor start-up

14 July 2022