At TNO we aim for a sustainable society. A society that can withstand the changing climate and contribute to a circular economy. A society with a sustainable living environment, sustainable energy and a sustainable industry.
TNO's goals for a sustainable 2030
TNO’s view of 2030: 50% of plastics circular

TNO’s view of 2030: Getting a grip on climate change from space

Sustainably producing plastics from CO2: a reality from 2030

TNO's view of 2030: using every surface for solar power generation

Our latest developments
149 resultaten, getoond 6 t/m 10
TNO 2025: Impact and growth through focus
In an FD interview, CEO Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi talks about the importance of innovation, as well as the role and strategy of TNO.

TNO in the media 2024

Building fires with solar panels mapped for the first time

Limited growth in geothermal energy production in 2023 but a record number of drilling operations

Preventing grid congestion: how smart devices can optimize electricity usage in the Netherlands

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